Land Preparation
Land Preparation
- Should be ploughed to allow root penetration and root filling.
- Herbicides should be sprayed on weeds at least 3-4 weeks before planting, this gives time for weeds to dry up and the remains ploughed into the field.
- Cassava can also be planted on ridges for good root penetration.
Plant in lines
- Plant in lines for optimum plant population
- Stem cuttings planted at a spacing of 1x1m give 4,000 plants per acre. When planted 80cmx100cm (by tractor planter), this gives a higher plant population of 5,000 plants per acre.
Manual Planting
- Planting using hand hoe for smallholder farmers.
- Place the stem cutting horizontally in the hole making sure most nodes face upwards.
- Cover the stem cutting with soil and move to the next hole.
Mechanical Planting
- Mechanical planting tends to optimize plant population, plants at a uniform depth and optimizes size of roots and yield.
- Use cassava ridger to ridge the field.
- Place 1m – 1.5m stem cuttings onto the tractor hopper.
- The stems get cut into 15cm pieces and are planted into the holes and covered with soil.
Fertilizer; A farmer has to apply 6 to 8 tons of organic manure to 1 acre.
- Cassava can be intercropped with beans
- Intercropping should only be done in the first 3 months
- Climate change is causing high temperatures and frequent long dry spells are being experienced in many farming areas.
- Though it’s not a common practice, Irrigation can be applied in drought-prone areas.
- Irrigation can be applied in cassava fields and this increases the yield of cassava.