Yumbe Mango Processing factory
Yumbe Mango Processing factory is a value addition initiative by the Government of Uganda through the NAADS Secretariat in partnership with Food and Nutrition Solutions Ltd (FONUS), Aringa Mango Farmers’ Cooperative Society and Uganda Development Corporation (UDC).
The project is a fulfilment of the H.E the President’s pledge to support Food and Nutrition Solutions Ltd (FONUS) (a company started by Makerere University Professors in Food Science) to complete the project. FONUS are the vision bearers of the value addition initiative.
The 6 metric ton per hour factory is designed based on the local mangoes grown in the West Nile region and a ready market for the farmers. The establishment of the factory is intended to put a stop to the exploitation of farmers by the middlemen who buy the mangoes cheaply.
The factory is established in partnership with UDC under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives which has built the capacity of the farmers under their umbrella association Aringa Mango Farmers’ Cooperative Society.
Currently, 90 percent of the works have been completed with the processing equipment fully installed. The remaining works include construction of stores, the perimeter wall and the compound.
Government has so far injected UGX 8.9 billion in the project which is expected to be commissioned in December 2020.

Kayunga Pineapple Processing Factory
The Kayunga pineapple processing plant is medium scale with a capacity of 12MT/day. Construction is 80% complete. The key partners are Sem Agrotech and Entebbe Miracle Centre who are the proprietors. NAADS is providing the equipment while the proprietors are building the factory structure.
The initiative is a fulfilment of the pledge made by H.E the President to support Entebbe Miracle Centre to establish a value addition facility in Kayunga district to add value to the pineapples produced in the region.
Under the partnership, Government has fully installed processing equipment and a solar water pumping system for access to water. The processing facility will create job opportunities for local residents and spur growth among other business ventures.
Nwoya Fruit Factory
Government through the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) has set aside 19 billion shillings to construct a fruit processing factory in Nwoya district.
The feasibility study for the Nwoya fruit processing plant was completed and it points to immense potential. This plant will be implemented under a MoU between the Ministry of Agriculture, NAADS, UDC and Alvan blanch as the technology provider while Delight (U) Ltd has been identified as the private partner.
Delight (U) Ltd already has 1,000 acres of land under mango production in Nwoya and more under citrus fruit production. NAADS has started on the procurement for the construction works and the equipment. The planned processing capacity for this factory is 8MT/hr for mango; 2MT/hr for citrus and guava.
The 12 metric ton per hour factory will add value to the mangoes, oranges and guavas grown in Nwoya and the neighboring districts.

Kapeeka Fruit Processing Factory
In Kapeka, NAADS is partnering with CURAD to set up an incubation centre but also to process on a commercial basis. CURAD is currently establishing an agribusiness incubation hub in the Kapeka Industrial Park.
They already have the structure in place which just needs to be equipped; their proposal indicates a need for a 2MT/hr processing line and the procurement is already underway.