Distribution of tea seedlings

Distribution of tea seedlings


Distribution of tea seedlings under Government Strategic Interventions

  • The distribution of tea seedlings shall be guided by agro-ecological suitability report by MAAIF, annual and medium tea intervention plans by Central and Local Governments, and also the indicative tea budget allocations to the districts from NAADS Secretariat.
  • An allocation schedule shall be communicated to DLGs by NAADS Secretariat before delivery of seedlings to allow ample time for mobilization of beneficiaries.
  • DLGs shall provide an estimate of tea planting materials for gap filling and expansion to NAADS and MAAIF for effective planning.
  • A delivery schedule as agreed upon in the district harmonization meeting with all stakeholders (NBO, Farmer Representatives, DLG officials) shall be communicated to sub-counties who will in turn communicate to the specific parishes.
  • The District Agricultural Officer shall constitute a team of technical staff (Tea SMS, Sub-county extension officers, and UTA technical staff) to carry out pre-loading inspection of the seedlings and issue a report.
  • The procured tea seedlings shall be delivered to designated destinations in parishes as will be determined by the district and sub county officials.
  • The delivery of the materials to the recipients shall be verified by the respective DAOs or their technical representatives and shall be witnessed by: District Stores Officer/or their representative at the delivery point, District Internal Auditor/or their representative at the delivery point, the Sub-county Chief, OWC and a Tea Farmer’s Representative, all of whom will endorse a delivery verification report in reference to the pre-loading inspection report.
  • The distribution of the delivered seedlings shall be carried out immediately and all beneficiaries shall sign on the distribution list.
  • Tea seedlings shall be given to only ready farmers who meet conditions in as above.
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