Profit Margins on Dairy Husbandry

Investment on Dairy Husbandry

Dairy farming is a strategic enterprise in Uganda that provides household food security and daily incomes to a large population. To plan for improved dairy production, advisors and extension workers need to guide farmers on improved dairy husbandry practices for profitable dairy farming. Dairy farming is practiced under three main systems. Intensive, semi-intensive, and extensive. The vast majority of milk in Uganda is produced by smallholder farmers.

According to Dairy Development Authority (DDA), in October 2018, annual national milk output stood at 2.2 billion liters, up from 1.8 billion liters annually, as of July 2012. As of 2017, per capita, milk consumption in Uganda stood at 62 liters, up from 25 liters in 1986. 80 percent of the milk produced is marketed while 20 percent is consumed by farming households. 33 percent of the marketed milk is processed, while 67 percent is sold as raw milk.

By June 2019, annual milk production in the country had risen to 2.4 billion liters, with export earnings from the sector, bringing in US$100 million per year.

Dairy Farming

Gross margins by dairy farmers per animal under different Production Technologies

Note: The Cost Estimations was as per the year 2014

Input Cost /Vet services


Costs in (UGX)


Costs in (UGX)

Salt 8,382 8,382
Supplementary feeds 369,090
De-worming 6,647 6,647 2,372
Dehorning 3,135 3,135
Castration 1,604 1,604
Animal treatment  / Injectables 6,750 6,750 5,717
Spraying 13,526 13,526 4,588
Vaccination 4,258 4,258 600
Total Input / Vet Services 413,393 44,303 13,277
Weeding Pastures 11,224 11,224
Fence Maintenance 9,061 9,061
Hired Labor 12,680 12,680 10,933
Total Labor Costs 32,965 32,965 10,933
Total Variable Cost 446,357 77,267 24,120
Average yield (TY) Litres 2,472 1,410 504
Average price (Ug shs) 800 800 800
Total revenue TR 1,977,600 1,128,000 403,200
Gross Margin (TR – TVC) 1,531,243 1,083,697 378,990
Benefit – Cost – Ratio (TR/TVC) 4 26 17
Unit Cost of production (TVC /TY) 181 32 48
Marginal returns on investment (Unit price – Unit cost of production) 619 769 752

High Input:

  • Uses Exotic Breeds
  • Sprays animal regularly
  • Supplementary feeding to animals
  • Controlled grazing (Paddocks)
  • Uses of veterinary services (AI, Vaccination and administration of drugs)

Low Input

  • Uses cross breeds
  • Spraying of animals
  • Use of paddocks or zero grazing
  • Moderate use of veterinary services like treatment of animals and administration of drugs

Traditional Input

  • Mostly uses local breeds
  • No or intermittent spraying
  • Practices communal grazing
  • Minimal or no treatment of animals
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