Layer poultry farming means raising egg laying poultry birds for the purpose of commercial egg production. Layer chickens are such a special species of hens, which need to be raised from when they are one day old.
Characteristics of a good layer
- Bright red comb and wattles
- Alert eyes
- Width between pelvic bones should measure at least 2 fingers
- The beak and claws should look bleached
- The cloaca should be moist
Management of Layers
- Allow for good air circulation in laying house
- Layer needs on average 120 gm of food per day
- Distribute food troughs and water troughs evenly (one basin/50 birds)
- Provide grit at 20 weeks
- Laying nests must be kept in dark places, collect eggs 3 times a day, allow a nest/5 hens
- Provide soft clean litter
- Store eggs with small end down
- Clean dirty eggs with steel wool/coarse leaves (never wash them)
- Add greens to the diet and whenever possible vitamins to water
- De-beaking at onset of lay
- Culling when egg production drops below 40%