Become a NAADs Supplier

Categories of Supplies

  1. Seeds and Seedlings

These include maize seed, bean seed, cocoa seedlings, tea, fruits (citrus, mangoes, & apples), banana suckers, pineapples, cassava cuttings, irish potato seed and ginger

  1. Livestock materials

These include dairy cattle, beef cattle, goats, pigs, poultry and poultry feeds, Fish fingerings and fish feeds

  1. Agro Machinery

These include tractors, maize mills, rice mills, feed mills, milk coolers, hand hoes and solar water pumping systems

How to become a supplier of Seeds and Seedlings

The following are the steps of becoming a supplier of seeds and seedlings with NAADS;

  • A potential supplier should be certified by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF)
  • To be certified by MAAIF, a supplier should go to the Headquarters of MAAIF specifically in the Department of Crop Resources
  • Suppliers can also obtain certification through the District Production Office at the Local Government level
  • The certification process of suppliers involves verification of seed stores and gardens for seedlings and cuttings
  • NAADS only contracts suppliers of seeds and seedlings certified by MAAIF

How to become a supplier of Livestock Materials

The following are the steps of becoming a supplier of livestock materials with NAADS;

  • All tenders for supply of livestock materials are advertised in the mainstream media mainly in the local newspapers and the NAADS official website
  • Potential suppliers should look out for the adverts for tenders and submit their bids

How to become a supplier of Agro machinery

The following are the steps of becoming a supplier of agro machinery with NAADS;

  • All tenders for supply of agro machinery are advertised in the mainstream media mainly in the local newspapers and the NAADS official website
  • Potential suppliers should look out for the adverts for tenders and submit their bids
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