About Us

About National Agricultural Advisory Services

The Vision, Mission and Core Values & Overall Objective

Who We Are

National Agriculture Advisory Services (NAADS) is one of the statutory semi-autonomous bodies in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF); established in 2001 by an Act of Parliament (NAADS Act 2001) to specifically facilitate efficient and effective delivery of agricultural advisory services for enhanced production and productivity.

The role and responsibility of NAADS has been evolving since its establishment on the basis of lessons learnt from its implementation until 2014, when its Mandate was refocused to “Providing Support for the Management of Agricultural Input Distribution chains, promotion of Strategic commodity interventions, agricultural chain development and Farmer access to Agricultural Financing.

Our Goal

The overall goal of NAADS interventions is to contribute to increased commercialisation and competitiveness of agricultural production, value addition and agro-processing for improved household food security and incomes.


‘Social-economic transformation of the agricultural sector for inclusive growth’


To contribute to the agro-industrialisation programme through provision of agricultural inputs, postharvest handling and storage facilities, agro-processing equipment for sustained production and value addition in support of equitable wealth creation.

Core Values

In carrying our responsibilities and work, we are committed to living by core values:

  1. Professionalism: observed in accordance with established standards and practices;
  2. Inclusivity: providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized
  3. Stakeholder participation: we ensure that all stakeholders participate in all activities
  4. Integrity and transparency: ensuring honesty, sense of responsibility, and high ethical standards
  5. Accountability: accepting responsibility for decisions and actions in executing our core mandate and business;
  6. Innovation and quality service: we embrace quality, improved technology and creativity in order to shine.

Overall Objective

The NAADS strategic theme will be achieved through four strategic objectives:

Strategic Objectives

  • To increase access to critical and quality farm inputs for agricultural production and productivity.
  • To improve post-harvest handling and storage
  • To increase agro-processing and value addition
  • To strengthen institutional coordination for improved service delivery.

Legal Framework

The National Agriculture Advisory Services (NAADS) Act 2001

The NAADS Act of 2001 that establishes the NAADS organization was enacted to, among others, define and describe its legal and institutional framework. However, NAADS mandate has been redefined. Its main focus is on procurement and management of the distribution of agricultural inputs. Consequently, the NAADS Act of 2001 is under revision to enable the organization to redefine its scope to accommodate the performance of the services prescribed in the current new or reformed NAADS.

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